Saturday, May 7, 2016

Continues Inspection with SonarQube / Sonar plugins Part 4

Sonar Plugin Installation and Configuration for Eclipse IDE

Part 1 Part 2 > Part 3  >  Part 4

It is important to have at-least one project appearing in the SonarQube server's dashboard before staring this section.
(If you do not have projects in your SonarQube server, please follow the Part 2 - Continues Inspection With Sonar of this Article)

SonarLint Plugin

  • This plugin is also available on the eclipse market place
  • You can visit market place and drag/drop the "install" button to  your eclipse IDE. (It will start the installation process for you)

  • Or else inside the eclipse IDE goto "Help" > "Eclipse Marketplace"

  • Type "sonarlint" in the Find: section of the Eclipse Market place and hit enter. 
  • When search result appears, click on the "Install" button.

  • When "Confirm Selected Features screen" appears, select "SonarLint for Eclipse" and "SonarLint for Eclipse Java Configuration Helper" 
  • Then click the Confirm button.

  • When "Review Licence" screen appears select "I accept the terms of the license agreement" radio button and click on the Finish button.

  • Eclipse will continue the SonarLint plugin installation.
  • When it asks to restart the IDE to finish installation, allow it to do so.
  • Once eclipse restarts, create a sample Java project and a sample project as shown below.
CoreJavaDemo (Project)
     |--MySonar (Package)
              | (Class)

  • Right click on the project and select "SonarLint" > "Bind to a SonarQube project"

  • When "Bind Eclipse projects to SonarQube projects" screen opens, select Eclipse project (CoreJavaDemos) and Type a SonarQube project name (which is already existing in SonarQube Dashboard)

  • If "Select a SonarQube server:" dropdown list does not have the localhost as a value, you should configure it with following values. To check whether the server is accessible, click on "Test server" button after providing the below details.
Server name : http://localhost:9000/
User : admin
Password : admin

  • Finally goto "Window" > "Show View" and select "SonarLint Issues" view

  • Now you SonarLint plugin will analyze the source-code which is being developed in the eclipse project and notify issues in real-time. (A Summary of issues will be displayed in SonarLint issues view)


  1. This is very useful
    Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. You are welcome Sahan! It's a pleasure.

  3. when I try SonarQube project, it keep saying that No results, Auto binding, giving me Auto-bind failed. Is this because I am using evaluation version only?

    1. Please refer to the information given in the accepted answer in this question,

  4. Hi, sorry for the late reply. Please mention the name+version of the plugin/sonarqube you have used.


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